Terms of Use:

This is a private website intended for the personal and non-commercial use of it's visitors.  Every effort will be made to ensure that the information on the site is factually accurate, but should always be verified independently.  Opinions are those of the site owner.

Images listed as "Wallpapers" are offered for the personal use of the site visitors and may be used at the visitor's own risk.  Third party photographs or images will be credited with their source, and will be removed if so requested by the original owner.   All other artwork, images and photographs remain the property of the site owner and may not be used without permission. 

The site owner makes no claim about the suitability of any technique or procedure discussed on the site and they are provided for informational or anecdotal  purposes only.  Working with certain tools or material may be hazardous and site visitors are encouraged to use care and judgment when working on their own projects.

Any corporate names or trademarks mentioned on the site remain the property of their respective owners.